Friday, July 17, 2009

Currently Reading

"He looked fourteen going on some age that never was. He looked as if he'd been sitting there and God had made the trees and rocks around him. He looked like his own reincarnation and then his own again. Above all else he looked to be filled with a terrible sadness. As if he harbored news of some horrendous loss that no one else had heard of yet. Some vast tragedy not of fact or incident or event but of the way the world was."


la gloria, la gloria, la gloria said...

The fact of the way the world is and what we try to do about it scares the shit out of me more than anything. And yet I sit here trying to be weathered in my living room--comfortable, nice, until I get to my inner self.

la gloria, la gloria, la gloria said...

Here's a local band....that's not local anymore:
They're playing here on the 6th I think.
I thought you might like them.