Thursday, August 14, 2008

c'est le vie

Awhile back my dad reminded me that to ask why bad things happen to us is a ridiculous question. In fact, we should be surprised when tough things aren't going on in our lives. He essentially said that we live in a fallen world and we can't expect it to be like heaven. Instead, life is a series of challenges that prepare us for heaven. I think that's an important thing to remember. It's like when it's miserably hot outside and you can't stop wishing it were winter. With that perspective, the heat will seem even worse than it really is and you'll remain miserable. But if you just accept the fact it's summer and that it's going to be hot for a few more months, it's a lot more bearable. So, Jenny had another miscarriage, which brings our 8-month total to 3, including one discovery and removal of a benign tumor. Yeah, it feels horrible and I don't ever want to feel this way again. At the same time, I realize I will. Pets will get run over, friends will move away, I'll witness loved ones battle serious illness, I may battle serious illness, stuff will get stolen, parents will die. That's the nature of life on earth. Through it all, though, there's one constant: "The relation of the soul to God is a higher, unique relationship which nothing can sever and which nothing can threaten or shake (...) If we wish to follow Him, then this life, too, with Christ, is joy, even amid difficulties. As Saint Paul says, 'I rejoice in my sufferings.' This is our religion, and that's the direction we must move in." That quote is from a book by Porphyrios (a Christian monk) we've been reading at Sunday night mens group, and I know it's true even though my emotions don't always agree.


B. C. Lovato said...

Ugh. My heart goes out to you guys. I don't know if I will ever make it to a point where I can rejoice in my sufferings, and I'm certainly not rejoicing in yours. But I am rejoicing in the fact that you have something and someone much bigger to cling to when these tough times hit. You're in our prayers.

sherry said...

Damn it. I'm so sorry. I feel like I'm going to throw up, and I can't rejoice in your sufferings, but I trust that you will find peace. I love you guys, and you're definitely in my thoughts. Hang in there.

Mrs. Ham said...

You both have been in our thoughts and prayers Mike and you will continue to be. May the Lord give you both strength during this time of trial.