We were without internet access for nearly a month, but a couple days ago I traded Charter Communications some cash for access to the outside world. I tried to work a deal by which the nearest Charter office would be provided with enough lemons to tang approximately 3, 562 glasses of iced tea, but they wouldn't go for it. "This ain't the wild west anymore, and I ain't Dr. Quinn," said the operator. "This is the wildest west there ever was," I said with strong conviction and the deepest voice I could muster. Alas, I caved and promised to write a check.
The above picture is of the room we finished most recently. If you want to see others, click on Jenny's name over to the left there. Anyway, this is the guest room. It really doesn't belong to us because it's made up almost entirely of other people's stuff. Seriously, we spent a total of 15 dollars on it (for the sheets, on sale). We painted the walls using some old Behr I found in the shed out back, the end tables are from the Kruses (Jenny painted them white with what was left over from the trim in the kitchen), the map is from Chris, the bed is from my parents, the chair is from Jenny's mom, there's a painting from Vietnam that Tyler gave me, there's a painting Donald Miller told me I could have when he was moving, an old hutch from my parents, and some other knick knacks given to us by friends new and old (no doubt some of those books as well). Anyway, if there's not something from you in there, bring something over and you will be represented. I think it would be cool if everyone who went in there recognized at least one object. Anyway, we're hoping to put a bigger bed in there soon to accommodate the marrieds who don't want to cuddle for 8 hours. So, that's that.
I love it! My bags are packed!
Love ya,
mattress man.
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